Jisc Digital Student

jisc-logoInvestigating students’ expectations of the digital environment

FE and Skills study

The FE and Skills Study will conduct desk research and consultation with students and other stakeholders, in order to extend the previous HE investigations to further education. The project will build on the findings and methods of the HE study in order to assess the extent to which those findings are relevant and applicable to the FE and skills sector.
The two main investigation questions are:

What do learners WANT (expectations)?
What do learners NEED to succeed (experiences)?

The project will run from 1 June 2014 to 31 March 2015. We anticipate that the project findings will support colleagues in further education to decide how and how often to monitor changing student expectations, what questions to ask about their experiences; and to decide where to direct efforts in managing and meeting incoming students’ expectations of the digital learning environment. MORE

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